
WHat FilLS mY HeAd...


June 29 2008, 4:57 PM

When you see an old man lying there on his death bed do you ever think about What this world is losing? His knowledge, his experiences, his secrets? We will never know...once his eyes close for the last time the information that could have changed the world is gone. To some, its just another soul leaving the Earth. But do you ever think of it this way? i mean when its your time to go to heaven..Its your time but try and share what you know with the rest of the world before you die.

And then When a baby leaves the womb, think of how innocent and fearless this new creature is. it has a chance to start regrets, no secrets, no hatred. Dont we all wish that we could be a baby again with nothing to worry about? We all had this chance, We all had the time to make decisions that would influence the life we lived. Now look at where you stand in life;is it what you wanted? Are you happy?Just think about it.....


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June 22 2008, 2:29 PM

Hidden from the truth remain lies.

Unknown by the victim; the thoughts of peers, their glaring eyes stalk the prey.

The harsh and cruel misconception of the innocent girl.

Questioning her self as to why she stands in the cold shadow of reality.

Saddened eyes seek a glimpse of light; only to bring happiness back into her chained soul.

Becoming weaker every moment, she collapses onto the stone cold floor.

A dark cloud of sorrow and pain lingers over her drained body.

The agony within was too much to bare, her fragile heart strangled by chains.

A lifeless body remains; forgotten by civilization, by society.

 No Spirit left, no will to exist.

Closing her eyes one last time;

Escaping the world, she says goodbye to the lies and deceit.


Seeing through the darkness

The sky is dark and filled with mourn

The wind lingers abroad in the streets, wailing its approach throughout me.

I stand motionless staring into the abyss.

My eyes submerge remorse and pain down into my cold, suppressed heart.

A dreary cloud is suspended above me only raining thoughts of neglect and trouble onto my pale fragile body.

Suddenly I see a light arising from the distance.

I catch the shadow of a figure lurking in my direction.

I begin to make out a towering vigorous body coming towards me.

My mind starts to wonder of what or whom this being may be.

Closer and closer the creature progresses.

The lips of an angel, shoulders so broad, this man is like no other.

I gaze into his aroused green and blue eyes as the sun reflects his compassionate and soft emotions back into mine.

My frown begins to disappear and turns into a slight curve of my lips.

The clouds above me start to pass and the sun begins to shine through the darkness.

Everything is visible now. The shadow around his stature has faded.

My heart begins to thrash uncontrollably as I discover the man I never knew existed

He breathes softly against my neck and takes his Hands and puts them into mine.

Not a word is spoken; no words are needed to make known of such passion.

He caresses his hands down my body and kisses me gently.

Pulling me closer, he holds me tight and never lets go.

Nothing else matters, I am safe and protected from the harsh and cruel world that I once new.

We walk away into the horizon fixated on each others eyes.

And live our lives only to die hand in hand.

Our bodies may turn to dust but our souls continue to soar.

~Love brings you out of the darkness and into the light~


Love is the drug controlling ur life-

To love, To be loved to have someone tho hold is as powerful as a drug; it is a drug. You want to know about it. Your curious about  how it makes you feel. The more you get the more you want. It's suppose to be the best feeling in the world. So you try it, just like a drug. At first your not so sure about it and the akward feeling it gives you. But you just go along with it and the weird feeling starts fade. You get the best sensation ever, unbelievable; you never knew you could experience. Then the sparks seem to die down. People get jealous, you even loose friends. But you just let them disapear because this you are addicted to the feeling. Now its just You and ur so called "love of ur life". Ur relationship ends..the feeling is gone..and you are all alone left to go find what you lost. Theres no telling what you'll do.So be careful with LOVE and live above the influence.


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  • Female
  • 15 years old


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Last update Jun 29, 2008
