life (go back »)

June 29 2008, 4:57 PM

When you see an old man lying there on his death bed do you ever think about What this world is losing? His knowledge, his experiences, his secrets? We will never know...once his eyes close for the last time the information that could have changed the world is gone. To some, its just another soul leaving the Earth. But do you ever think of it this way? i mean when its your time to go to heaven..Its your time but try and share what you know with the rest of the world before you die.

And then When a baby leaves the womb, think of how innocent and fearless this new creature is. it has a chance to start regrets, no secrets, no hatred. Dont we all wish that we could be a baby again with nothing to worry about? We all had this chance, We all had the time to make decisions that would influence the life we lived. Now look at where you stand in life;is it what you wanted? Are you happy?Just think about it.....


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  • 15 years old


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